Freedom Elementary School students

Featured Artist through April

The Freedom Elementary School students will be the Featured Artist at the Freedom Public Library through April. For more information, see our Featured Artist page.

Weekly Activities

Monday, 1:30-4:30pm: Mah Jongg

Wednesday, 10:30-11:30am: Preschool Story Hour. Join us for an hour of stories, songs, activities, crafts, and more! For children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.

Wednesday 2-4pm: Drop-in Cribbage. Boards and cards provided, but feel free to bring your own as well. Stop by and play the classic game with other folks. New players are always welcome to learn the ins and outs of the game.

Thursday, 3-4:30pm: Crochet with Amanda. Interested in learning how to crochet? Have a project you want to make and don’t know how to start? Join Amanda at the Library to learn how. Please bring your own crochet hooks. Please email Amanda if you are interested or have any questions.

Friday, 1:30-4:30pm: Mah Jongg

What to do after the trails close?

Visit the Library and check out our collection of games and activities for all ages.

We have a large inventory of puzzles, ranging from 6-piece puzzles for preschoolers to challenging 1,000-piece puzzles for the dedicated crowd.

Browse our collection of board games that includes classics like Yahtzee, Pictionary and memory games, to the new Wicked game where all players try to win against Oz.

We have new tactile and learning games for preschoolers, such as felt Nursery Rhyme Felt Sets, or Shape Matching Boards that make simple designs on templates using pre-cut shapes such as squares, triangles, and parallelograms.

Our new Story Dream Machine develops beginning reading skills as children see and hear words and can read along with the narrator as the words and images shine brightly on the wall. The kit includes 6 stories and spare batteries.

For older kids we have Grab ‘n Go kits of LEGO bins with an accompanying book of 365 Things to Do With LEGO Bricks.

The Library has a DVD Player which includes a display so there is no need to connect to a computer. Our DVD collection includes movies for preschoolers, family favorites, popular TV series, selections from the BBC, fitness videos, and documentaries.

Borrow the Tabletop Ping Pong set, or Pickleball Racquets and the accompanying guide for all player levels.

Use our telescope! In February 2025, the night sky will feature bright planets like Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, with Venus reaching its peak brightness around mid-month. Tip: Put the telescope outside for 30 minutes before using to allow condensation on the lenses to dissipate.

We also have snowshoes (with poles) in 5 different sizes for the whole family.