Librarian's Corner

Late July 2024

Picture of library director Chris Libby

We’re just about halfway through the Summer Reading Program—how’s your progress going? When this newsletter hits your inboxes, there will be just under three weeks left if you’re working on your bingo cards.

I’m happy to report that I’m right on schedule to achieve my five book goal. I’ve read two books already, and as I’m writing this, I’ve started my third. If I can keep up the one-book-a-week pace, I should be able to meet my goal by the end of the program.

And don’t forget—it’s not just the bingo cards that we have going on! If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to enter this year’s Bookmark Contest. Your design could be chosen as this year’s winner for your age group, and be made into bookmarks that we’ll have available for folks to pick up, hopefully for Old Home Week.

Speaking of Old Home Week, we’ll have some special events going that you definitely shouldn’t miss. Bring a lawn chair and watch the parade from our front yard; we’ll also be selling popcorn during the parade, in case the munchies attack while the parade goes by. On Wednesday of Old Home Week, we’ll be hosting Wildlife Encounters at the FES Gym (July 31st, 10am). And on Friday, we’ll be hosting a special presentation of the Silver Circus upstairs at the Town Hall (August 2nd, 3pm). That’s not to mention the Friends of the Library Book & Bake Sales, which will be happening at the Library Friday, August 2nd from 9am-3pm, and Saturday, August 3rd from 10am-1pm.

There’s still plenty to do before Old Home Week rolls around, though! We’ve got our collaborative sticker poster to finish; feel free to add stickers anytime you visit the Library. There’s also still time to add a vehicle to our front desk display—let us know how you’ll be going on your own adventure. And, of course, all our weekly programming for the month of July will still be going strong.

I certainly hope that I’ll have time to get that reading done, with everything that’s going on!

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