Early July 2024

Every year, I say I’m going to “participate” in Summer Reading, and try to read five books. And every year I fail spectacularly. Well, not this year. This year I’m going to read those five books. Make sure to ask me how it’s going, so I’m kept accountable for them.

I’m not planning on doing the bingo card—those are reserved for folks who get to win prizes. But it takes five books to bingo, and that’s going to be my goal. That’s one of the things I love about the Summer Reading Program (and the Winter Reading Program, too): encouraging people to read.

Some people are avid readers, and have no problem breezing through five books in a week. Folks like me read at a deliberate pace, but maybe not so voraciously. And some folks don’t really read a lot, but take time during the summer to participate in the program. But it’s the reading that brings us together for the Summer Reading Program.

And don’t forget, listening to an audiobook counts as reading, too! Or, if you’re very lucky, listening to someone else read to you.

Of course, having the right book helps a lot. I’m going to have to choose carefully this summer, and find the books that would be “quick” reads for me. And quick doesn’t mean short; quick books are the engrossing ones that are easy to read, where you want to know what’s happening next and can’t put the book down til you find out. If you need help looking for just the right books for your reading adventure this summer, let us know! We’re full of suggestions to keep you occupied.

And no trying to get the books in early! Only books you read between June 29th and August 3rd count for Summer Reading.

So join me in this year’s program, and let’s see if we can read five books together. And don’t forget to come to all the other programs the Library is offering during Summer Reading—reading is fun, but there are other fun things to do, too!

Late June 2024

It’s finally time! Summer reading is just around a corner, with our Kickoff event happening on June 29th (which is also Ducky Day)! Here’s a little preview of what we’ve got planned for the summer.

This year’s theme: Adventure Begins at your Library.

Everyone who signs up for the Summer Reading Program will get a bingo card, and a card for a free kiddie cone at Bobby Sue’s, courtesy of the Friends of the Library. Over the course of Summer Reading (June 29th-August 3rd), get a bingo on your card and receive a $10 gift card to either Amazon.com or Bobby Sue’s. Preschoolers and kids also receive a free book for getting a bingo—up to three times on their bingo card!

If you’re feeling artistic, decorate a vehicle to go on our front desk display, or submit a design for this year’s Bookmark Contest. We’ll also have a collaborative sticker poster up for folks to work on when they visit the Library, so there will be plenty of opportunity to display your artistic creativity.

In addition to our normal weekly programs—Mah Jongg, Cribbage, and Crochet with Amanda—we’ll also have special weekly programs during the month of July. On Wednesdays, we’ll have two programs running concurrently: Preschool Story Hour, and Kids Corner, which is a program for elementary-aged students. On Thursdays, we’ll have Game Night, which is open to teens and adults. On Fridays, we’ll have Fun Friday, which is a craft for elementary-aged kids, and Family Movie Night—popcorn included!

We’ve got a couple of special programs planned for Old Home Week as well, including a visit from Wildlife Encounters on July 31st at the elementary school gym, and a performance by one-man show The Silver Circus on August 2nd upstairs at the Town Hall.

And don’t forget the annual Book & Bake sales put on by the Friends of the Library during Old Home Week. Those will be on August 2nd and 3rd.

For more information on anything that’s happening at the Library, grab a calendar of events when you visit, or check out the Summer Reading page of our website. We hope to see you this summer, and celebrate a bingo with you, too!

Early June 2024

Summer has gotten here far faster than I anticipated, and soon we’ll be full-swing into our summer programming at the Library. But, I’m happy to have a few weeks yet to get ready for that.

Summer is a special time, at least for our library, because of how many more people we get to welcome. In addition to all the lovely folks we see throughout the year, there are a good number of folks who we only see in the summer months. It’s always a joy to welcome them back to the library.

It’s also a special time in Freedom, as we celebrate not only the summer, but the town itself, from Ducky Day to Old Home Week. It’s a phenomena that’s unique to Freedom, and I’ve always found that fun and exciting.

Don’t let all that summer excitement fool you, though—the Library still has all the great stuff you’ve come to expect! In addition to our special summer programming, our weekly programs like mah jongg, cribbage, and Crochet with Amanda will still be going strong throughout all the summer months, as will monthly programs like the Matinée Café.

And, of course, we’re your one-stop depot for summer activities, with an array of items in our Library of Things to help you make the most of your recreation time in the sun (or out of it, if that’s your preference). If you’re stopping by to pick up your next beach read, just remember—try to keep the beach out of the book!

If you’re looking for a little extra fun this summer, don’t forget our Summer Reading Program! I’ll be talking more about that in my next installment.

So stop by and say hi! We’ll be looking forward to greeting all of our summer visitors.

Late May 2024

Blackflies are in the air, which means, at least in my head, I’m in full summer mode. It’s another month or so before the Library’s summer events get underway, but we’re finalizing plans, getting handouts ready, and preparing for the inrush of donated books we’ll start accepting on June 29th.

I won’t spoil what summer has in store just yet—I’m saving that for the later half of June.

As for book donations, I just wanted to go over a few things, as we do every year, to ensure everything goes smoothly here at the Library.

Mark your calendars—we’ll be accepting donations for this year’s book sale form June 29th-July 27th, during Library hours. Please don’t leave bags of donations in the vestibule, or sitting outside the main entrance; they’re small spaces, and bags of books just become tripping hazards, and potentially can prevent us from opening the door—especially when accessing the vestibule.

Please make sure that books are in good condition. Moldy and musty books are not good candidates for the book sale; neither are books that no longer have their covers, or are falling apart. (Or are being held together with copious amounts of tape and a prayer.) Out of date books are probably not a good choice, either. Old novels are okay; a manual from the 80’s on how to use the microwave, not so much.

In general, things like encyclopedias, textbooks, and trade manuals are not good choices for the book sale, especially multi-volume collections.

Every book that we put in the book sale is looking for a potential new home, and it’s my hope that we can find homes for as many books as possible. So get those books ready, and we’ll see you starting on June 29th!

Early May 2024

I definitely don’t read as much as I did when I was younger. Surprisingly, age hasn’t given me a longer attention span when it comes to that.  But when I do read, I tend to go for something in the fantasy genre.

Why fantasy? The short answer is, because it’s fun! Fantasy has always been appealing to me, from Saturday morning cartoons in my childhood right up until today—hence my love for Dungeons & Dragons, among other diversions. Who doesn’t wonder what it would be like to wield magic?

I also like fantasy because it’s so different from reality. If I want to read something realistic, I go to the news. When I’m reading for pleasure, I like to get as far away from the everyday as possible. Of course, tropes, themes, and everyday situations can happen in a fantasy world just as much as the real one, but there’s something about the fantasy that makes it more interesting to me.

Another thing I like about fantasy is that it’s ageless; it spans all ages and reading levels. When I was a kid, there were worlds like Narnia and Prydain; kids today have the likes of Harry Potter to serve as their stepping stone into the world of fantasy. There are everything from picture books to novels for adults that can take you to a fantasy realm.

If you’ve never ready fantasy before, or have it in mind that it’s just not for you, I’d encourage you to give it a try, at least once. Our Sci-Fi/Fantasy section isn’t the largest corner of the Library, but we’ve got a pretty good selection there if you’re looking to dip your toe into the world of fantasy. And that’s just the adult fiction! Even a juvenile or young adult fantasy novel can still be an enjoyable read. Let me know if you’d like some recommendations!

Late April 2024

I enjoy games, though I don’t get to play as often as I’d like. I participate in our weekly Cribbage group offered at the Library, but that’s just one game, and there are so many others out there to enjoy.  In addition to being the place for books and DVDs, think of us as your one stop fun location!

If you like playing Cribbage, or Mah Jongg, come check out our weekly groups for those games! Cribbage meets on Wednesdays from 2-4, and Mah Jongg meets on Mondays and Fridays from 1:30-4:30.

If board games are more your style, stop by for our monthly Game Nights, usually on a Tuesday from 5-7. (This month on April 16th; next month on May 14th.) Our Game Nights are open to teens as well. It’s a great chance to meet up with other folks and have some fun playing the board games that you love. If you’ve got a favorite at home that you want to share, bring it along! (As long as it’s not too complicated to learn…we only have a couple hours, after all.)

If you don’t have one you’d like to bring, not to worry—the Library has a great selection of games to choose from! Many of our games are even available to check out, if you want to bring them home to share with other family and friends. We’ve even got games for kids, if you want to have a family game night at home.

If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, we even have a small selection of party games that can be played on the Library’s Nintendo Switch. Video games are definitely a different experience, but can still be a fun way to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.

And if anyone is interested in learning about Dungeons & Dragons, let me know—that’s another particular favorite of mine, and something else I do every week. I’d be very excited to get a Library D&D game started.

If your idea of fun is more of a quiet, at home by yourself activity, don’t forget that the Library has a large selection of puzzles available for checkout. We have puzzles for all ages, everything from 100 pieces to 1,000 pieces. We always have one puzzle available for folks to work on when they visit the Library, too!

Come have fun at the Library!

Early April 2024

Happy National Poetry Month!

Two years ago, I did a poetry reading via Zoom to celebrate National Poetry Month. That presentation led to the creation of Well-Versed, our monthly poetry reading. It’s hard to believe it’s been two years; but, if you stop by the Well-Versed page on the website, you can see two years’ worth of programs.

Over the course of putting together Well-Versed, I’ve come across a lot of poetry, and I certainly have my favorites, the poets I keep returning to for the programs. You’ll find some familiar names in there, but also some you might not have heard from before. There’s a wealth of poetry out there in the public domain that doesn’t get covered in literature classes. (And I took my fair share of those at university.)

Typically—though not always—I put together twelve poems per episode. I’ve also done my best never to repeat a poem, and as far as I know, I’ve held really well to that. Though granted, I don’t remember which poems were in the first few episodes (not without looking back, at least). I’m always a little worried that I’m going to run out of poems or themes, but so far, everything has worked out.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, I’d invite you to check out Well-Versed, either this month’s episode, or any of the previous ones. You can stream the latest episode from our website, as well as access all the previous episodes. Or, if you use Spotify, you can find all the episodes of Well-Versed there.

I’d also invite you to check out the poetry that the library has in print. It’s not a large collection, but we have poetry spanning eras and geography; there are some real gems there waiting to be read. And I’m sure there are folks who prefer to enjoy their poetry from the page, instead of out loud.


Late March 2024

The temperatures are warmer. The days feel longer. The lawn does, in fact, still exist—and is even visible! All signs point toward spring being upon us. Even though we’re already planning for summer, we enjoy the spring here at the Library.

As spring rolls around, many folks still do their traditional spring cleaning, and with that cleaning comes the inevitable calls to the Library asking if we’re taking book donations. And unfortunately, we’re not…at least, not yet.  We’ve been going through our own collection, pulling books that haven’t been looked at in nearly a decade. And we’re having a hard time figuring out where to put those.

Don’t fret, though! As always, the Friends of the Library will be having their annual book sale during Old Home Week, and we’ll start collecting books for that sale on Ducky Day (June 29th). If you can hang onto the books you have until then, we’ll be happy to take them!

If you find yourself desperate to buy books before then, our front vestibule is fully stocked! There are lots of books to choose from out there, and they’re all for sale by donation. We’ve even got puzzles available, and magazines that are free for the taking. And it’s open 24/7 for your convenience!

Early March 2024

Sometimes, I have trouble figuring out what I want to say in my little corner of the Internet.  There are so many great things going on at the Library, but I don’t want to sound like a broken record talking about them.

I do my best to spread the word whenever anything is happening at the Library. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re already receiving our e-newsletter, which goes out twice a month. You can also access the Librarian’s Corner and the latest Newsletter from our website.

The website is also a great place to see what’s going on at any given time—we try to keep upcoming events featured on the homepage, and there’s a calendar of events as well. There’s also links to lots of useful information; if you haven’t poked around the website lately, I’d encourage you to explore.

If you’re the social media type, we post regularly to our Facebook page, as well as our Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) accounts. Whenever possible, we try to cross-post to all three.

We also try to post regularly to the Freedom Bulletin Board whenever we have something happening. It’s a great place to see what’s going on in town.

You can imagine that trying to keep up with all of these is quite the task, and I have to admit, there are times when events don’t get to all of these options. But, we do our best! And, if you’re curious whether something is going on, we’re always happy to answer phone calls, emails, or in-person queries. We hope to see you at a library activity soon!


Late February 2024

Some would say it takes skill. Some go through an in-depth analysis. Some just close their eyes and point.

No matter your method, I think the Oscar Ballot contest is one of my favorite activities we have at the Library. It’s a great time to highlight a lot of great movies from throughout the year—many of which the Library purchases on DVD, and are available for you to check out and view. Our DVDs make up a significant chunk of the Library’s collection, and we’re one of the few places still around where you can pick up a movie to watch. (I’d say “rent,” but since you don’t have to pay anything to borrow a movie here, it’s even better.)

We have major motion pictures, independent films, documentaries, instructional videos, family films, TV programs for children and adults, and so much more.  The Matinée Café is a great opportunity to see films on a big screen—not as big as a movie theater, but definitely bigger than a television. We try to select more out-of-the-way features for the Matinée Café, the ones you might not hear much about but are still great watches. And we’ll throw in a big name once in a while too, if the length isn’t too blockbuster-y.

We have the rotating BVLA collection as well, which we share with other libraries in the county. It features a lot of the popular British television series, as well as popular American series, documentaries, and other features—and there’s a new section to look through every couple of months.

The Oscars are airing on Sunday, March 10th on ABC, so make sure to get your ballots into us by the 9th—and make sure your name is on your ballot. (Keep a copy handy if you want to see how accurate your predictions were!) The ballot with the most correct predictions will win a DVD or Blu-ray of their choice of one of this year’s nominated movies. (Subject to availability. Predicting when movies will be released on DVD nowadays is just as much a guessing game as filling out a ballot.)

And even if you choose not to fill out a ballot this year, you can always borrow nominated films from us to have your own watch party, and see what all the buzz is really about. We even have a portable DVD player in our Library of Things, in case you don’t have a player at home to use.

Early February 2024

I love this library.

You might think I’m a wee bit biased when it comes to that, but I don’t think so. Not too much, anyway.

I love that the library feels cozy. Coziness is something you can get with a smaller library like ours; it’s a lot harder to pull off with a big library. We always feel like we could use a little more space—who doesn’t?—but the space we have is used well. And we’ve got a great variety of items to check out, from books, to DVDs, to other actual things. We really do try to have something for everyone.

I love how personalized our services can be. We can recommend books or movies anytime you need a suggestion—and if we don’t have something, we can try to find it for you from another library. We can provide fun and comfy spaces for you to enjoy, whether you just want to sit down and read, or bring along the family for a little fun time. Heck, we can even help get your electronic devices working! (Usually…if the problem’s not too big, at least…)

I love the community where the library lives. It’s a community that’s always supportive of the library, and often uses the library as well. And I love being there for the community.

I love the staff and volunteers I get to work with every day. They make the library a warm and welcoming place, and are darn good at the things they do at the library. It helps put my mind at ease knowing that while I’m wrangling with statistics and other back-end operations, the library is in great hands.
I could go on gushing, but I suspect that most folks love the library just as much as I do, if not even more. And even if you’re shy about saying it, don’t worry: we love you, too.


Late January 2024

I know New England weather has a tendency to be unpredictable, but one would hope it would at least make up its mind as to what it wanted to do. No matter what the weather is doing, the Library will always try to be a pleasant place for you.

If you’re the type who loves to get out in the snow (when it’s not rained on), don’t forget that the Library has several pairs of snowshoes to borrow in a variety of sizes for kids and adults. If you’re the indoorsy type, don’t worry—there’s plenty in the Library of Things to do for you as well! Our newest item is a thermal scanner, to help you see where in your house the cold might be creeping in. We’ve also got a radon testing kit, courtesy of the Green Mountain Conservation Group.

If you’re looking to get out of the house to do something, we’ve got some things to do! Amanda will be hosting a crafting session on Saturday, January 20th from 10:30am-12:30pm. Email or talk with Amanda to sign up, or for more details. The first Matinée Café of the year will be on Sunday, January 21st; the house opens at 2, movie starts at 2:30, and there’ll be a light soup supper after the movie, around 4. And we have Game Night on Tuesday, January 23rd, from 5-7pm. Not to mention our weekly programs: Mah Jongg, Preschool Story Hour, Cribbage, and Crochet with Amanda.

And don’t forget—January is National Puzzle Month! Stop in to check out one of our many puzzles for something to do on those chilly evenings. We’ve also got a mystery puzzle for kids to solve in the Library! (Adults can play, too, they’re just not eligible for the prizes.)

Early January 2024

Happy new year!

When you look out the window, it might not be quite what you’d expect when the year turns over anew, but it’s happened nevertheless.

A new year at the library means a lot of looking back at the previous year—and trying to remember everything that happened! I’ll be spending time putting together statistics for the town report, as well as annual reporting to the state library. It’s always interesting to go back and look at the year as a whole; it’s a very different experience than looking from inside it.

January is National Puzzle Month, so it’s a perfect time to check out our puzzle collection, and maybe take one home with you to enjoy. We’ll have a puzzle out for folks to work on at the Library, and we’ll also have our annual puzzle contest for kids. There will be puzzle pieces with letters on them hidden all over the Library. Be one of the first to figure out what the letters spell out, and win a prize! (Adults can play along, too, if they want; they’re not eligible for the prizes, though.)

Starting in January, we’ll be moving the Matinée Café, our monthly movie showing for adults, to Sundays. The first showing of the year will be on January 21st. For the winter months (January-March), we’ll also be offering a light soup supper after the movie, instead of the usual baked goods. If you’d like to help out by making a soup, or some bread, let us know! We’ve got a sign-up sheet at the circulation desk, or you can give us a call and we’ll get you on the list.

I’m looking forward to seeing what other new and exciting things will be happening at the Library in the new year. I hope to see you there!

Late December 2023

Happy Holidays!

The year has finally wound down, and we’re not far from welcoming in a new year of excitement and adventure. But there’s no reason to rush into it, right?

I enjoy this last half of December; everything seems to slow down a little bit, even with the holiday hectic-ness. It’s a chance for a bit of retrospection, to look back on the past year—assuming you can remember most of it!—and getting ready for the year to come. It will be a couple weeks yet, but I’m looking forward to seeing how many items we were able to lend out this year, how many people attended programs like the Matinée Café, and listened to Well-Versed.

I hope that you’ve been able to get everything from the Library that you hoped for. And if there are things still on your wish list that we haven’t been able to help with, let us know. We’re always looking to improve and provide the best experiences for everyone who comes through our doors. And now that it’s getting chillier, don’t forget you’re always welcome to just come in and warm up a bit. We’ve even got hot beverages to help with the warming up process.

And if you need that last minute movie to show to the family, or want to grab a book for a bit of an escape during the holiday craziness, feel free to stop in. We’ll be closed the Saturdays before the holidays, but open for the rest of the week, so there’s plenty of time to pay a visit.

From all of us at the Library, have a safe and happy holiday season.

Early December 2023

At some point in my adult life—I couldn’t name the point—December became more about giving than receiving. As time has gone on, my habits have begun to reflect this. Even in times when I don’t have much to give, I try to give what I can, when I can.

This season of giving is one of the reasons I’m happy to host a Giving Tree at the Library for Starting Point. It’s a chance to pay the giving forward, by helping those in need during the holiday season.  The tree is beautifully barren—nearly every ornament listing an item has been taken from the tree. It’s quite literally amazing.

Worry not, we’re working on getting some more ornaments on the tree, so if you didn’t get a chance to take one before, there should be more available soon. We’ll be hosting the Giving Tree until December 16th.

Freedom is a giving community, and not only in December! The Giving Tree is just one example. The generosity of this community never ceases to amaze me, and I know there would be so much that the Library, and so many other places in town,  couldn’t do without it. I hope that the Library can give to the community as well, all year round.